Install Ruby 2.0 with OpenSSL and ReadLine support

Solution 1:

In your source location, cd ext/openssl and then ruby extconf.rb. This will generate a makefile in the ext/openssl directory. Simply make && sudo make install it to build the ruby openssl extension, and install the .so into the appropriate location.

Ditto ext/readline for readline support.

Then you should be able to make ruby properly.

Edit: in case I wasn't clear enough:

pushd ext/openssl
ruby extconf.rb
make && sudo make install

pushd ext/readline
ruby extconf.rb
make && sudo make install

sudo make install

Solution 2:

I ran into the same issue, I had to install the following two packages


in fact I found I had to install the following packages to get ruby 2.0.0 and postgres 9.2 to compile on ubuntu 13.04 with openssl and readline so I thought I would share them

sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get install -y make g++
sudo apt-get install -y curl git-core python-software-properties
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential zlib1g-dev libyaml-dev libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libgdbm-dev libreadline6-dev libncurses5-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libpq-dev libffi-dev

Solution 3:

for me it was a case of missing dependencies.

i thought i had all the dependencies required to install ruby, but i too was getting an openSSL and readline error.

i attempted to install ruby with RVM without root privileges which failed but gave me a list of missing dependencies. i then installed the dependencies with a package manager. i then re-attempted to install ruby from source from the beginning, and everything worked OK

the dependencies that were missing, for me, were:

patch libyaml-devel autoconf gcc-c++ readline-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel automake libtool bison sqlite-devel

but they may be different for you.

update: i don't originally remember where exactly i found this list, but a quick search found similar lists on the following pages, which might also help you: