Eclipse: Java Enum auto-completion of switch case

Solution 1:

It has been in Eclipse for ages. It's admittedly only a bit hard to find. First start with

switch (myEnum) {


At that point, your cursor would usually be inside the statement block {}. You need to put your cusror back to the line with the switch keyword and press Ctrl+1 and choose Add missing case statements. This way it will insert any possible case.

alt text

You'd intuitively expect this option to be available inside the statement block {} as well, but no.

Update: since Eclipse Kepler (or perhaps already Juno, but it's so instable that I never really used it), this option is finally available via Ctrl+1 inside the statement block as well.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

I don't know if it's possible to do this as a template, because the template would have to know which enum type you were using. But you could write a little script to print out the statement for you, and then just copy its output into your source file.

public class SwitchWriter {
  public static void printSwitchStatement(String varName, Class<?> E) {
    System.out.format("switch(%s) {\n", varName);
    for (Object o : E.getEnumConstants()) {
      System.out.format("case %s:\n  // TODO: Auto-generated switch statement stub\n  break;\n", o);
    System.out.println("default:\n  // TODO: Auto-generated switch statement stub\n}");

Output of SwitchWriter.printSwitchStatement("action", java.awt.Desktop.Action.class):

switch(action) {
case OPEN:
  // TODO: Auto-generated switch statement stub
case EDIT:
  // TODO: Auto-generated switch statement stub
case PRINT:
  // TODO: Auto-generated switch statement stub
case MAIL:
  // TODO: Auto-generated switch statement stub
case BROWSE:
  // TODO: Auto-generated switch statement stub
  // TODO: Auto-generated switch statement stub