How to use Spring AbstractRoutingDataSource with dynamic datasources?

Nothing in AbstractRoutingDataSource forces you to use a static map of DataSourceS. It is up to you to contruct a bean implementing Map<Object, Object>, where key is what you use to select the DataSource, and value is a DataSource or (by default) a String referencing a JNDI defined data source. You can even modify it dynamically since, as the map is stored in memory, AbstractRoutingDataSource does no caching.

I have no full example code. But here is what I can imagine. In a web application, you have one database per client, all with same structure - ok, it would be a strange design, say it is just for the example. At login time, the application creates the datasource for the client and stores it in a map indexed by sessionId - The map is a bean in root context named dataSources

Map<String, DataSource> sources;

// I assume url, user and password have been found from connected user
// I use DriverManagerDataSource for the example because it is simple to setup
DataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource(url, user, password);
sources.put(request.getSession.getId(), dataSource);

You also need a session listener to cleanup dataSources in its destroy method

Map<String, DataSource> sources;

public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se)  {
    // eventually cleanup the DataSource if appropriate (nothing to do for DriverManagerDataSource ...)

The routing datasource could be like :

public class SessionRoutingDataSource extends AbstractRoutingDataSource {

    protected Object determineCurrentLookupKey() {
        HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes)
        return request.getSession().getId();

    public void setDataSources(Map<String, DataSource> dataSources) {

I have not tested anything because it would be a lot of work to setting the different database, but I thing that it should be Ok. In real world there would not be a different data source per session but one per user with a count of session per user but as I said it is an over simplified example.

The datasource used by a thread might change from time to time.
Should pay attention to concurrency, applications might get concurrency issues in concurrent environment.
thread-bound AbstractRoutingDataSource sample