Why is 'font-family' not inherited in '<button>' tags automatically?

Form elements don't inherit font settings, you have to set these properties manually.

If you use font declaration for eg. body,

body {font-family: arial, sans-serif}

use just

body, input, textarea, button {font-family: arial, sans-serif}


input, textarea, button {font-family: inherit}

If you inspect your demo in a browser using its Developer Tools, you can see that the font family of the button element comes from the browser style sheet. They show this in different ways, and they may use different fonts there, but the principle is the same: there is a declaration for the font-family property of the element in some style sheet, hence that property cannot be inherited (unless you explicitly set the value inherit on it, of course).

This is not defined in specifications, but neither are such browser style sheet settings prohibited by them, and they are common practice.