Apple Mail not downloading attachments

I am using macOS Sierra. Recently, the Mail app started having problems with attachments. On many (but not all) messages, attachments show up, but they are displayed as "Mail Attachment", not as the actual file name. Curiously, sometimes the correct icon shows up. I thought that maybe they needed some time to download, but waiting for hours does not solve it. I tried turning on and off the automatic attachment download and deleting the Mail Downloads directory, but that did not fix it.

This is an Exchange account, which may be part of the problem.

Any idea what could be causing this?

I found this post to be very interesting:

  1. Backup your computer
  2. Rebuild your email mailbox(es) (this may take a long time to run, be sure your connected to internet because it's going to reload all the mails)
  3. In your "Account Information", select Download Attachement that matters to you (all)
  4. Restart Mail.

Hope that helps

I have been battling this problem for months and after an odd work around from Apple that only worked some of the time I found my problem. Within the "Mail app" in preferences you can add a rule to direct emails into specific folders. I accidentally found out that the reason the downloads would not complete was that I had made rules to transfer the email and that transfer would happen before the download was complete. I went into mail rules and stopped all the transfers and now the emails attachments completely download no problems.

Disabling "enable junk mail filtering" fixed it for me (Mail Preferences). I tried everything, this fixed it as a last ditch attempt before only using my phone as the goto device.