Code signing is required for product type Unit Test Bundle in SDK iOS 8.0

The problem is the project is under source control and every time I pull the .xcodeproj is updated. And since my provisioning profile is different than the one in source control, the Unit Test target automatically switches to "Do not code sign". So I simply have to set the profile there after each git pull.

Apparently if deploying to a device, if there is a unit test target, it must be code signed.


1) Change target to your test target (AppnameTests)

enter image description here

2) Make sure "Code Signing Identity" is NOT "Don't Code Sign". Pick a profile to sign with

enter image description here

That is all I had to change to get it to work.

I fixed the issue (temporarily) by going to Edit Scheme, then in the Build section, removing my unit test target from being invoked in "Run".

The other advice here didn't help me, but I fixed this error by going to Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme. Then I clicked Build on the left hand side and deselected any checkboxes next to AppNameTests. I'm using XCode 6.3

enter image description here

I fixed it by manually selecting a provisioning profile in the build settings for the test target.

Test target settings -> Build settings -> Code signing -> Code sign identity. Previously, it was set to "Don't code sign".

Also, if you set your build target device, the problem will go away when you testing and debugging. The code signed is only need when you trying to deploy your app to an actually physical device fig

I changed mine from "myIphone" to simulator iPhone 6 Plus, and it solves the problem while I'm developing the app.