Search XDocument using LINQ without knowing the namespace

As Adam precises in the comment, XName are convertible to a string, but that string requires the namespace when there is one. That's why the comparison of .Name to a string fails, or why you can't pass "Person" as a parameter to the XLinq Method to filter on their name.
XName consists of a prefix (the Namespace) and a LocalName. The local name is what you want to query on if you are ignoring namespaces.
Thank you Adam :)

You can't put the Name of the node as a parameter of the .Descendants() method, but you can query that way :

var doc= XElement.Parse(
@"<s:Envelope xmlns:s="""">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:xsd="""">
  <Request xmlns=""http://CompanyName.AppName.Service.ContractA"">

EDIT : bad copy/past from my test :)

var persons = from p in doc.Descendants()
              where p.Name.LocalName == "Person"
              select p;

foreach (var p in persons)

That works for me...

You could take the namespace from the root-element:

XDocument xDocument = XDocument.Load(@"C:\temp\Packet.xml");
var ns = xDocument.Root.Name.Namespace;

Now you can get all desired elements easily using the plus-operator:

root.Elements(ns + "CreditCardNumber")

I think I found what I was looking for. You can see in the following code I do the evaluation Element.Name.LocalName == "CreditCardNumber". This seemed to work in my tests. I'm not sure if it's a best practice, but I'm going to use it.

XDocument xDocument = XDocument.Load(@"C:\temp\Packet.xml");
var elements = xDocument.Root.DescendantsAndSelf().Elements().Where(d => d.Name.LocalName == "CreditCardNumber");

Now I have elements where I can encrypt the values.

If anyone has a better solution, please provide it. Thanks.

There's a couple answers with extension methods that have been deleted. Not sure why. Here's my version that works for my needs.

public static class XElementExtensions
    public static XElement ElementByLocalName(this XElement element, string localName)
        return element.Descendants().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name.LocalName == localName && !e.IsEmpty);

The IsEmpty is to filter out nodes with x:nil="true"

There may be additional subtleties - so use with caution.