Make long click act like a right click?

Just got my netbook edition of Ubuntu working with my tablets touch screen about 3 seconds ago... but straight away, I've noticed something - is it possible to make the right click menu show up when I press and hold left click, like on my Win 7 partition?

Now if you'll ecuse me im just gonna go and get mouse gestures working...

Solution 1:

There is an option for this in System->Preferences->Mouse. Click the 'Accessibility' tab then tick the box under Simulated Secondary Click. You can also vary the duration that you need to hold it down for.

Mouse Preferences

Once this is set, you should be able to hold down then release the mouse to get the right click menu. You will see the cursor 'fill up' with a colour (by default, orange) to indicate how long you need to hold the mouse down. When the cursor is completely filled, release the mouse and you will get the right click menu.

Solution 2:

Go to your mouse preferences and click the accessibility tab. You want "trigger secondary click by holding down primary button".