Unable to save connection remmina RDP

I found out the solution: just rename the Quick Connect appearing in the TextBox to your favorite name, and it is done!

Had the same problem, discovered that there is a bug using snap - removed the snap and reinstalled from remmina repository for ubuntu. Also made sure the permissions were set on ~/.remmina. Works fine now. This is on Xubuntu 16.10. Seems that others have also noted that the issue relates to Xubuntu.

sudo snap remove remmina

[Get repo details from remmina site ]

sudo apt install remmina

Also make sure you own the .remmina folder (and all its contents).

$ ls -l --directory ~/.remmina/

Your user name should appear on the ls record like:

drwx------ 2 username username 4096 Jan 1 12:15 /home/username/.remmina

If root owns this file, You can correct the permissions like:

# chown --reference ~/ --recursive ~/.remmina/


  • # Implies "run as root" (eg with sudo), as only root may change ownership of files.
  • --reference ~/ Tells chown to copy the ownership of ~/, which bash expands before the command gets executed, and points to your home folder.