DexException: Cannot merge new index 65536 into a non-jumbo instruction

Solution 1:

Set the jumboMode property in build.gradle:

android {
    dexOptions {
        jumboMode true


I also found this useful: Showing dex method count by package.

Solution 2:

Try to add this line on your


Which increment the limit for strings in a dex files. And your project will probably compile.

Note : Also with jumbo set, the is another limit of 64K only for methods in an single dex. If you get this limit in the future , you will need to remove some dependencies.

Update - Google Play Services 6.5 (12-08-14)

With version 6.5 Google finally unbundled the Google Play Services. So from now on it'll be possible to selectively compile the APIs into your executable.

Example :

compile ''
compile ''

For all the other individual Google Play Services APIs check this page on

Update (21-04-2015) :

Solution 3:

This works for me. I was getting Cannot merge new index 66636 into a non-jumbo instruction!

android {
    dexOptions {
        jumboMode true

If this isn't working, you might have reached method reference limit in dex which is a different issue. You need to use either multidex or proGuard.

Solution 4:

This is a bug in the merger when the dex files that are being merged have more than 65536 strings. The new index can't fit in a const-string instruction, and the dex merger doesn't support changing instructions if they are different sizes, so it can't be widened to a const-string/jumbo instruction.This was fixed in jb-mr1 by adding a new option: --force-jumbo.This bug can be fixed by adding "dex.force.jumbo=true" to the