Send Barcode Scan to URL

I have a Bluetooth barcode scanner connected to my Mac. I'd like to have a scan open a URL, something like: http://​

I was thinking I could somehow direct inputs from the scanner particular input device to a terminal script and figure the rest from there, but I can't seem to find any solution to this.

I'd be happy if someone could recommend an app to achieve this.

Most scanners have a programming interface in which you can not just setup how the scanner works and how the data is formatted, but you can also configure what keystrokes it sends (like Control sequences and extra text such as a URL)

I just grabbed a random programming guide for a random Symbol scanner to use as an example

So, from the Table of Contents, we can configure it to send "Control characters"

enter image description here

What you would need is to set up a global shortcut with Karabiner, Keyboard Maestro or ControllerMate (I personally use this) to launch a browswer with URL and barcode number as the address. You can even program in the Return keypress to go to the website automatically. It may have to be done in with some AppleScripting, depending on the complexity.

You could set it up so it sends a CtrlB, wait to allow your browser to loaunch and then and the text