List of objects to JSON with Python

You can use a list comprehension to produce a list of dictionaries, then convert that:

json_string = json.dumps([ob.__dict__ for ob in list_name])

or use a default function; json.dumps() will call it for anything it cannot serialise:

def obj_dict(obj):
    return obj.__dict__

json_string = json.dumps(list_name, default=obj_dict)

The latter works for objects inserted at any level of the structure, not just in lists.

Personally, I'd use a project like marshmallow to handle anything more complex; e.g. handling your example data could be done with

from marshmallow import Schema, fields

class ObjectSchema(Schema):
    city = fields.Str()
    name = fields.Str()

object_schema = ObjectSchema()
json_string = object_schema.dumps(list_name, many=True)

Similar to @MartijnPieters' answer, you can use the json.dumps default parameter with a lambda, if you don't want to have to create a separate function: json.dumps(obj, default = lambda x: x.__dict__)