Is there a way to view all images loaded in the browser using Chrome Developer Tools?

I know that I am supposed to be able to see this in the "resources" tab -section of Chrome developer tools. Maybe I am not getting something, but I don't see any images listed in this section.

Does anyone know if / how this can be accomplished?

  • Open Google Chrome Console (F12)
  • Go to Network tab
  • Enable Filter, if it’s not enabled
  • Select the "Img" tag to filter for image requests
  • Refresh the page to see a list of all images as they are requested

see all images loaded with google chrome

DevTools -> Application tab -> Frames in the sidebar -> Images

Contains all the images.

Images are listed specific to each frame. Normally there is only 1 frame on the page. If the page uses the tag there will be others.

Expand "Frames" and then the first item listed (which is the page), below this is the category of images, as well as scripts and stylesheets. Note that the final item is the html of the page itself.