Powershell to manipulate host file

Solution 1:

All of these answers are pretty elaborate. This is all you need to add a hosts file entry:

Add-Content -Path $env:windir\System32\drivers\etc\hosts -Value "`n127.0.0.1`tlocalhost" -Force

IP address and hostname are separated by `t which is the PowerShell notation for a tab character.

`n is the PowerShell notation for a newline.

Solution 2:

First up, if you're on Vista or Windows 7 make sure you run these commands from an elevated prompt:

# Uncomment lines with localhost on them:
$hostsPath = "$env:windir\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"
$hosts = get-content $hostsPath
$hosts = $hosts | Foreach {if ($_ -match '^\s*#\s*(.*?\d{1,3}.*?localhost.*)')
                           {$matches[1]} else {$_}}
$hosts | Out-File $hostsPath -enc ascii

# Comment lines with localhost on them:
$hosts = get-content $hostsPath
$hosts | Foreach {if ($_ -match '^\s*([^#].*?\d{1,3}.*?localhost.*)') 
                  {"# " + $matches[1]} else {$_}} |
         Out-File $hostsPath -enc ascii

Given this I think you can see how to use a regex to manipulate entries as necessary.

Solution 3:

The Carbon module has a Set-HostsEntry function for setting a hosts entry:

Set-HostsEntry -IPAddress -HostName 'myserver' -Description "myserver's IP address"

Solution 4:

If anyone is looking for a more advanced example, I've always been particularly fond of this gist: https://gist.github.com/markembling/173887

# Powershell script for adding/removing/showing entries to the hosts file.
# Known limitations:
# - does not handle entries with comments afterwards ("<ip>    <host>    # comment")

$file = "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"

function add-host([string]$filename, [string]$ip, [string]$hostname) {
    remove-host $filename $hostname
    $ip + "`t`t" + $hostname | Out-File -encoding ASCII -append $filename

function remove-host([string]$filename, [string]$hostname) {
    $c = Get-Content $filename
    $newLines = @()

    foreach ($line in $c) {
        $bits = [regex]::Split($line, "\t+")
        if ($bits.count -eq 2) {
            if ($bits[1] -ne $hostname) {
                $newLines += $line
        } else {
            $newLines += $line

    # Write file
    Clear-Content $filename
    foreach ($line in $newLines) {
        $line | Out-File -encoding ASCII -append $filename

function print-hosts([string]$filename) {
    $c = Get-Content $filename

    foreach ($line in $c) {
        $bits = [regex]::Split($line, "\t+")
        if ($bits.count -eq 2) {
            Write-Host $bits[0] `t`t $bits[1]

try {
    if ($args[0] -eq "add") {

        if ($args.count -lt 3) {
            throw "Not enough arguments for add."
        } else {
            add-host $file $args[1] $args[2]

    } elseif ($args[0] -eq "remove") {

        if ($args.count -lt 2) {
            throw "Not enough arguments for remove."
        } else {
            remove-host $file $args[1]

    } elseif ($args[0] -eq "show") {
        print-hosts $file
    } else {
        throw "Invalid operation '" + $args[0] + "' - must be one of 'add', 'remove', 'show'."
} catch  {
    Write-Host $error[0]
    Write-Host "`nUsage: hosts add <ip> <hostname>`n       hosts remove <hostname>`n       hosts show"

Solution 5:

Starting with Kevin Remisoski's excellent answer above, I came up with this which lets me add/update multiple entries at once. I also changed the regex in the split to look for any white space, not just tab.

function setHostEntries([hashtable] $entries) {
    $hostsFile = "$env:windir\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"
    $newLines = @()

    $c = Get-Content -Path $hostsFile
    foreach ($line in $c) {
        $bits = [regex]::Split($line, "\s+")
        if ($bits.count -eq 2) {
            $match = $NULL
            ForEach($entry in $entries.GetEnumerator()) {
                if($bits[1] -eq $entry.Key) {
                    $newLines += ($entry.Value + '     ' + $entry.Key)
                    Write-Host Replacing HOSTS entry for $entry.Key
                    $match = $entry.Key
            if($match -eq $NULL) {
                $newLines += $line
            } else {
        } else {
            $newLines += $line

    foreach($entry in $entries.GetEnumerator()) {
        Write-Host Adding HOSTS entry for $entry.Key
        $newLines += $entry.Value + '     ' + $entry.Key

    Write-Host Saving $hostsFile
    Clear-Content $hostsFile
    foreach ($line in $newLines) {
        $line | Out-File -encoding ASCII -append $hostsFile

$entries = @{
    'aaa.foo.local' = ""
    'bbb.foo.local' = ""
    'ccc.foo.local' = ""