Download all PDF links in a web page? [closed]

You can use wget and run a command like this:

wget --recursive --level=1 --no-directories --no-host-directories --accept pdf

Or with the short options:

wget -r -l 1 -nd -nH -A pdf

UPDATE: Since your update says you are running Windows 7: use wget for Windows from a cmd prompt.

UPDATE 2: For a graphical solution - though it may be overkill since it gets other files too is DownThemAll

  1. In your browser, press CTRL+SHIFT+J, and enter

    var pdflinks =[]; call(document.querySelectorAll("a[href$=\".pdf\"]"), function(e, i){if((pdflinks||[]).indexOf(e.href)==-1){ pdflinks.push( e.href);} }); console.log(pdflinks.join(" "));

    This will return in the console:

    "" "" ""

  2. Now using wget with the command line options wget url1 url2 ...

Copy and paste this, open a console enter wget press the right mouse button to insert your clipboard content and press enter.

To use a download file, join the lines with "\n" and use the parameter as follows wget -i mydownload.txt

Note that most other (GUI) download programs too accept to be called with a space separated list of URLs.

Hope this helps. This is how I generally do it. It is faster and more flexible than any extension with a graphical UI, I have to learn and remain familiar with.