Get a Swift Variable's Actual Name as String
So I am trying to get the Actual Variable Name as String in Swift, but have not found a way to do so... or maybe I am looking at this problem and solution in a bad angle.
So this is basically what I want to do:
var appId: String? = nil
//This is true, since appId is actually the name of the var appId
if( appId.getVarName = "appId"){
appId = "CommandoFurball"
Unfortunately I have not been able to find in apple docs anything that is close to this but this:
varobj.self or reflect(var).summary
however, this gives information of what is inside the variable itself or the type of the variable in this case being String and I want the Actual name of the Variable.
Solution 1:
This is officially supported in Swift 3 using #keyPath()
Example usage would look like:
NSPredicate(format: "%K == %@", #keyPath(Person.firstName), "Wendy")
In Swift 4 we have something even better: \KeyPath
NSPredicate(format: "%K == %@", \Person.mother.firstName, "Wendy")
// or
let keyPath = \Person.mother.firstName
NSPredicate(format: "%K == %@", keyPath, "Andrew")
The shorthand is a welcome addition, and being able to reference keypaths from a variable is extremely powerful
Solution 2:
As per the updated from this answer, it is supported in Swift 3 via #keyPath
NSPredicate(format: "%K == %@", #keyPath(Person.firstName), "Andrew")
Solution 3:
This is my solution
class Test {
var name: String = "Ido"
var lastName: String = "Cohen"
let t = Test()
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: t)
for child in mirror.children {
print(child.label ?? "")
print will be
Solution 4:
This works:
struct s {
var x:Int = 1
var y:Int = 2
var z:Int = 3
var xyz = s()
let m = Mirror(reflecting: xyz)
for p in m.children {
print(p.label as Any)