Coroutines in C#

Solution 1:

I believe with the new .NET 4.5\C# 5 the async\await pattern should meet your needs.

async Task<string> DownloadDocument(Uri uri)
  var webClient = new WebClient();
  var doc = await webClient.DownloadStringTaskAsync(url);
  // do some more async work  
  return doc;  

I suggest looking at for more info. It is a great presentation.

Also has some great information.

If you are using an older version of .NET there is a Async CTP available for older .NET with a go live license so you can use it in production environments. Here is a link to the CTP

If you don't like either of the above options I believe you could follow the async iterator pattern as outlined here.

Solution 2:

Edit: You can now use these: Is there a fiber api in .net?

I believe that you should look at the the Reactive Extensions for .NET. For example coroutines can be simulated using iterators and the yield statement.

However you may want to read this SO question too.