How do I change the Icon for a USB device?

My phone uses a standard icon when mounted. I just want to replace that icon with a custom one.


I'm opening a PNG image in Preview and copying the image, then pasting onto the icon in the Get Info window, but I get the system PNG icon instead of the image itself:


How do you use a custom image? OSX gives you no feedback on this at all.

Update: After some further investigation, it appears that the image is being set correctly in .VolumeIcons.icns


So for whatever reason, Finder is refusing to display it correctly. Is there some kind of icon format requirement that Finder isn't telling me?

Update: Now the cut-n-paste method works fine. I have not changed anything, so I have no idea what was wrong before. I can only chalk this up to a Finder bug.

Solution 1:

just drag and drop :)

sometimes it does not work so, you do a simple:

  • COPY: copy to clipboard the icon you want to use
  • SELECT: select the icon you want to remove
  • PASTE: paste it

alt text

alt text