How to change the current user's domain password without being domain admin?

Solution 1:

Try this, i dont know if this will work fot you. its VB script

Dim UserName
Dim UserDomain
UserDomain = InputBox("Enter the user's login domain name")
UserName = InputBox("Enter the user's login name")
Set User = GetObject("WinNT://"& UserDomain &"/"& UserName &"",user)

Dim NewPassword
NewPassword = InputBox("Enter new password")
Call User.SetPassword(NewPassword)

If err.number = 0 Then
        Wscript.Echo "The password change was successful."
        Wscript.Echo "The password change failed!"
End if

check this!domain logon

Solution 2:

Check this There is -Oldpassword param which along with -Newpassword param can achieve this. Remember if you are not a Domain Admin then you need to know the old pwd to do this. Plus when you use the -Oldpassword param ,dont use -reset param.