What does "threat" do in The Division?

I'm currently trying to figure out a good tank build for challenging dailys and came across the threat property that silencers and certain muzzle breaks have.

Threat is also mentioned in the character sheet.

Examples of items with the threat property

  • (almost?) all silencers reduce the threat by X%
  • some muzzle breaks increase threat by X%
  • loud vent muzzles always increase threat by X%

Theories I have

Threat lets enemies flee

A higher threat level would drive the enemies away from you but then I wonder why I would want to reduce the threat as a sniper for example

Threat increases "aggro"

Another theory I have is that threat increases your aggro level and enemies will choose their target based on the highest threat. Then it would actually make sense to decrease your aggro level as a sniper / glass canon.


What does the threat property actually achieve?

Solution 1:

After hours of playing all missions that are available as challenging I'm almost certain that threat is a bonus that allows the user to suppress enemies more easily.

This actually makes sense in these cases:

  • Weapons with attachments with increased threat can be used to CC enemies very easily
  • Weapons (especially snipers) with silencers (decreased threat) can be used to snipe enemies without them ducking down.

I will add a reliable source as soon as I find one.