How to iterate over pandas multiindex dataframe using index
One easy way would be to groupby the first level of the index - iterating over the groupby object will return the group keys and a subframe containing each group.
In [136]: for date, new_df in df.groupby(level=0):
...: print(new_df)
observation1 observation2
date Time
2012-11-02 9:15:00 79.373668 224
9:16:00 130.841316 477
observation1 observation2
date Time
2012-11-03 9:15:00 45.312814 835
9:16:00 123.776946 623
9:17:00 153.766460 624
9:18:00 463.276946 626
9:19:00 663.176934 622
9:20:00 763.773330 621
observation1 observation2
date Time
2012-11-04 9:15:00 115.449437 122
9:16:00 123.776946 555
9:17:00 153.766460 344
9:18:00 463.276946 212
What about this?
for idate in df.index.get_level_values('date'):
complex_process(df.ix[idate], idate)