How to tell generation of Intel processor of Macs on Apple's website?

Solution 1:

I'd check out other resources, such as EveryMac:

Although the details aren't there yet, they will be shortly, and they include the full CPU specs you're looking for.

Wikipedia also has details:

Unclear what their source is though.

Solution 2:

They are using Skylake Processors according to C|Net.

One of the biggest updates are the processors. Apple jumped from using Intel Haswell processors to Skylake.

In another post, C|Net explains why the 2016 MBP and the Surface aren't getting the latest and greatest Kaby Lake but rather sticking with Skylake

This is also confirmed by

The major changes are internal, so let’s focus on those. The MacBook now has Intel Skylake processors, an upgrade over the Broadwell processors used when the MacBook was introduced last year.