In Wired Connection settings save option is getting grayed out

Solution 1:

Found the solution: It's a GUI problem: When adding static IP you may end up with an 'invisible' blank line in the list of IP addresses which prevents saving settings - just click below your IP address and delete the blank entry.

Solution 2:

The button is greyed-out if there a missing or wrong information filled in the fields. Make sure you put it in like this:

  • IP Address:
  • Netmask: 24
  • Gateway:
  • DNS: (not required for having a save-button)

Otherwhise please give us a Screenshot.

Solution 3:

I faced the same problem, the way around is to do it from command line. Go to the file /etc/network/interfaces and change it to

auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
    address xx.xx.xx.xx
    netmask xx.xx.xx.xx
    gateway xx.xx.xx.xx
    dns-nameservers xx.xx.xx.xx
    dns-search xx

where you have to fill the xx given by your ISP.

Then from commandline do

sudo ifup eth0