What is the "->" PHP operator called? [closed]

The official name is "object operator" - T_OBJECT_OPERATOR.

I call it "dart"; as in $Foo->bar() : "Foo dart bar"

Since many languages use "dot" as in Foo.bar(); I wanted a one-syllable word to use. "Arrow" is just too long-winded! ;)

Since PHP uses . "dot" for concatenation (why?) I can't safely say "dot" -- it could confuse.

Discussing with a co-worker a while back, we decided on "dart" as a word similar enough to "dot" to flow comfortably, but distinct enough (at least when we say it) to not be mistaken for a concatenating "dot".

When reading PHP code aloud, I don't pronounce the "->" operator. For $db->prepare($query); I mostly say "Db [short pause] prepare query." So I guess I speak it like a comma in a regular sentence.

The same goes for the Paamayim Nekudotayim ("::").