There are some similar phrases such as:

  • Piss-poor
  • Half-cocked

Some good words not as deep into slang would be

  • makeshift
  • shoddy
  • unenthused, unmotivated, uninspired
  • ill-prepared
  • slack
  • lackadaisical
  • pococurante

I don't want to [be] unmotivated [on] this project or I'll be fired.

Don't slack [on] this project or I'll fire you.

I [did] shody [work on] this project and was fired.

I use "BS," which stands for "bull-sh!t." In my high school, we students often talked of BS-ing our English papers....and basically every other assignment. BS-ing something more or less means making sure everything takes the proper form (but the substance may well be ridiculous) and having neither time nor inclination to bother with it any further.

Sounds like what you're looking for. :)