App shutdown with EXC_RESOURCE, WAKEUPS exception on iOS 8 GM

Solution 1:

Your app is sending a wakeup command to a particular thread in the app quite often - apparently an average of 206 times a second. Background threads in iOS 8 have a hard limit on how many times you can run a sleep/wake cycle on each thread per second, and having a high count here is usually an indication that something is wrong / inefficient in your thread management.

Without seeing your code, my recommendation is that you check your C++ algorithms for sleep/wake calls, or multithread the background process to start new threads each cycle.

Ray Wenderlich has a fantastic tutorial on Apple's system for multithreading, Grand Central Dispactch, which might also be a good resource for you:

Solution 2:

Using Xamarin, we got this issue too. We were using 4 SemaphoreSlim that were waiting at the same time for a too long period of time. Replacing the SemaphoreSlim by an other primitive synchronization (AutoResetEvent in our case to simulate a Semaphore of 1 item) fixed the issue.