wi-fi connection drops periodically for a few seconds
Solution 1:
The problem is the Re-authentication parameter of the WPA-PSK configuration on the zyxel
found that ping dropouts intervals matched this parameters, googled adding parameter name and I found
It seems when using WPA-PSK that the client needs to re-authenticate at a set interval. See Pic
The default time is 1800secs which equates to every 30mins. You can change this to a maximum of 9999secs but it still means you will drop roughly every 2hr45mins.
To overcome this I just changed to WEP as it does not need to re-authenticate. I haven't had a drop out since.
here: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/310614
Solution 2:
I had a similar situation in the past and tracked it down to bad wifi in my router (don't know if it was merely the antenna or card). Replacing the router resolved it for me. It took me a while to realize it was a problem of the router though. Ping tests can help reveal if there is an actual break in the packet flow, but not the cause of it.
If you're running a ping test, are you merely having each computer ping the other, or from both computers to the same IP on the internet or your intranet? If the two computers are pinging just each other, then it's possible that the wifi on one of the computers is bad. Try the ping from both machines to either your router's IP, or the same public IP on the internet ( which is one of Google's public DNS adresses would work).
If it's the router, try moving it to a different location in the house/room to eliminate possible environmental factors. Also check the logs on the router and see if they reveal the wireless broadcast information (may be a problem in wireless broadcast). If it's determined to be the PC with the USB wireless you can try using the adapter on another computer to see if you get the same effect there.
Unfortunately, if it's not environmental, it may be that either the wifi adapter in one of the computers is going bad, or the router is. In that case, you may be looking at a replacement purchase.
Solution 3:
I have had issues on routers where one variant of WPA-PSK (TKIP or AES) causes drop outs. Try without security and then with each variant.
Do you get drop outs if only one PC is connected?
Are the PCs within a comfortable range? I have had drop outs caused by PCs sitting on edge of range with a weak signal.
Not clear on what you were pinging. Is it only one or both of the PCs that are dropping out? Try pinging the router ip from each. Do both drop?
Have you checked if the router has a firmware update?