Why pass by const reference instead of by value?

Solution 1:

There are two main considerations. One is the expense of copying the passed object and the second is the assumptions that the compiler can make when the object is a a local object.

E.g. In the first form, in the body of f it cannot be assumed that a and b don't reference the same object; so the value of a must be re-read after any write to b, just in case. In the second form, a cannot be changed via a write to b, as it is local to the function, so these re-reads are unnecessary.

void f(const Obj& a, Obj& b)
    // a and b could reference the same object

void f(Obj a, Obj& b)
    // a is local, b cannot be a reference to a

E.g.: In the first example, the compiler may be able to assume that the value of a local object doesn't change when an unrelated call is made. Without information about h, the compiler may not know whether an object that that function has a reference to (via a reference parameter) isn't changed by h. For example, that object might be part of a global state which is modified by h.

void g(const Obj& a)
    // ...
    h(); // the value of a might change
    // ...

void g(Obj a)
    // ...
    h(); // the value of a is unlikely to change
    // ...

Unfortunately, this example isn't cast iron. It is possible to write a class that, say, adds a pointer to itself to a global state object in its constructor, so that even a local object of class type might be altered by a global function call. Despite this, there are still potentially more opportunities for valid optimizations for local objects as they can't be aliased directly by references passed in, or other pre-existing objects.

Passing a parameter by const reference should be chosen where the semantics of references are actually required, or as a performance improvement only if the cost of potential aliasing would be outweighed by the expense of copying the parameter.

Solution 2:

Passing arguments by value and thus copying them can be expensive - const references avoid that expensive step while still promising the caller that the object won't be changed.

Usually fundamental types (int, double, ...) are passed by value, while class-types are passed by const reference.

There can however be exceptions where pass-by-value for class-types can be beneficial.

Solution 3:

Making a copy of an object could greatly affect the performance in some cases. Consider a function which argument will be std::vector<long> and you want to pass vector with 1 million elements. In this case you'll want to use const reference over passing by value. In this SO question you could find simple general rule for your question.

Solution 4:

Passing an argument by value has the overhead of a copy of the object being passed to the function.

Maybe an object isn't copyable and your choices are limited.