What does +1 Proficiency mean?

Solution 1:

Though it displays as a whole number, under the covers your character's stamina can have decimal values. Levels in applicable skills reduce, by a fractional amount, how much stamina it takes to use the tool. Here are the ones I was able to figure out.

These skills cause you to use 0.1 less stamina per skill level with these tools:


  • Axe


  • Fishing Rod


  • Hoe
  • Sowing a seed
  • Watering Can


  • Pickaxe

These always use 4 stamina:

  • Milk Pail
  • Shears

(Source: I used a decompilation tool to peek at the source code.)

Solution 2:

I'm not sure about anything else, but higher Proficiency decreases the amount of energy usage for tools. I haven't upgrade my base Hoe at all but, without any hard numbers, I can say that I can till more spaces for the same amount of energy than when I started out.