fdisk - partition in single line
Trying to automate fdisk
is possible, but it is not easy to maintain. As other answers note, either parted or sfdisk are designed to do what you want and are easier to automate.
To create a partition in one line with parted
parted -a optimal /dev/usb mkpart primary 0% 4096MB
as seen in this UNIX SE post. Each of the parts is pretty self-explanatory, but just in case here is how mkpart
is defined:
[part-type fs-type name] start end
where things in square brackets are optional, but you probably want primary
for your part-type, start at 0%
and end at 4096MB
or however large your USB stick is.
Erase everything, and create a single partition:
sudo umount "$dev"
printf "o\nn\np\n1\n\n\nw\n" | sudo fdisk "$dev"
sudo mkfs.ext4 "${dev}1"
See also: https://superuser.com/questions/332252/creating-and-formating-a-partition-using-a-bash-script
You probably need to use the parted command instead of fdisk.