How do the base number of stars impact the odds of acquiring that character?

Solution 1:

It looks like it, from the page I linked in my answer on that other question:

Essentially 2* and 3* are more common than 1* and 4*, but there's not really enough data to make hard conclusions about the exact rates. However I would expect 7.5% each for the former two and 5% each for the latter two, or maybe 6% and 4% (with 75% going to non-characters). That's for Chromium cards.

As for Bronzium cards, I haven't seen anything that has enough data to even begin to figure out the drop rates. A 10% chance at a character is quite low to begin with so it's harder to pick out the star breakdown within that.

Update: I've been tracking my character drops from Bronziums for the last 6 months or so since I posted this answer. Within an overall drop rate of about 2% of Bronziums, I got:

  • 26x 1* characters
  • 12x 2* characters
  • 1x 3* character

I think I pulled a 4* character before I started tracking, but I'm not sure.