iOS 8 UIPageViewController Applying Constraints After Transitions

Solution 1:

I figured out you need to base your constraints on the view and not the layout guide of your view controller. This will ensure your view controller respects the constraints you set prior to the transition in a PageViewController.

you can do this like so:

Constraints example

Remember to uncheck "Constrain to margins"

Solution 2:

For anyone having this issue, for me it appeared to be that I was laying out views "relative to margin" (a new feature in iOS 8).

Instead of:

enter image description here


enter image description here

Solution 3:

I've been struggling with this for a few days.

I tried to implement it by instantiating the page ViewController from the storyboard. There was a definite resizing occurring. Checking the frame size in

  1. pageViewController:viewControllerAfterViewController
  2. pageViewController:willTransitionToViewControllers
  3. pageViewController:didFinishAnimating:previousViewControllers

The frame size would always change between the calls to 1 and 3. Sometimes before 2 and sometimes after.

If you're also using storyboards, I was able to resolve the issue by extracting the page UI elements into its own XIB file, setting the constraints in IB and then creating the pages with a call to initWithNibName.

Not a complete answer but it returned me to feeling productive. Hope it helps.

Solution 4:

For me solution was to pin top of the tableView to superview: Editor -> Pin -> Top Space To SuperView (iOS8)