What's the difference between Yii 2 advanced application and basic?

What is the difference between advanced application and basic application in the Yii framework?

Does they have any differences regarding security?

The following table shows the similarities and differences between the basic and advanced templates:


Source: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-app-advanced/blob/master/docs/guide/start-comparison.md

As you can see, the main differences are:

  • Advanced template supports front- and back-end apps;
  • Advanced template is ready to use User model;
  • Advanced template supports user signup and password restore.

There is no difference as the underlying core framework code is the same.

The difference is the structure of the project - the most obvious difference is that advanced one already has a "backend" set-up for you, which you can see for yourself:



There is no much different. but you already have administration panel(backend) in Yii 2 advanced application template.

backend and frontend work as separate application while using common models and configuration. you can create your own number of apps under root folder.

lets say you want to create RESTFull API in same project. simply you can create another directory call 'api' same as backend or frontend, and it'll contain folder structure same as backend except assets, views, widgets etc.

you have to decide structure of your project based on requirement.

Setup RESTful API in Yii2(budiirawan)