IOAccelSurface2 error floods console macOS 10.12 Sierra

I have a MB Pro that is locking up afer about 30 minutes. When I open console I find this message but cant figure out what is causing the problem.

fault 12:14:37.463057 -0700 kernel IOReturn IOAccelSurface2::surface_unlock_options(enum eLockType, uint32_t): surface is not locked.

We had a user at our company that was having some performance issues on their Mac. So I connected remotely via Timbuktu and took a look at their console. I noticed a constant flood of similar errors:

fault 11:48:36.982151 -0500 kernel IOReturn IOAccelSurface2::surface_unlock_options(enum eLockType, uint32_t): surface is not locked.

So I removed TeamViewer but the errors persisted. After spending about an hour trying to resolve the problem I discovered that the console flood was a "red herring". The flood was being triggered by Timbuktu and my remote connection to the computer. As soon as I disconnected the user told me that the console flood stopped.