Accessibility settings asking everytime

Those two apps are always asking for the accessibility permission, one is location and the other is contacts. As the picture shows that I have already enabled those settings for them. It keep asking me every time I quit the app or on system startup when it run because of login items. Is there anyway to make it not ask again? or make the settings permanent.

OS : MacOS Sierra (10.12)

enter image description here

The location permission for the Forecast bar is already granted, but whenever the app started, I found out that the location setting has been unticked, by itself.

enter image description here

I got it working by resetting app permissions with tccutil

First, you need to find the bundle ID of your app via Terminal:
mdls /Applications/Forecast\ | grep kMDItemCF (note that folder of your app may be different)

Then run tccutil to reset permissions:
tccutil reset All [bundle ID]

Application will ask for permissions once more, but now it will be saved correctly