What is intent of ID Token expiry time in OpenID Connect?

In OpenID Connect an access token has an expiry time. For authorization code flow, this is typically short (eg 20 minutes) after which you use the refresh token to request a new access token.

The ID token also has an expiry time. My question is what is the intent of this?

Any ID token expiry time less than the expiry time of the refresh token will mean you will eventually have an expired ID token, but a valid access token.

So are you meant to:

  • give your ID token an expiry longer than the refresh token expiry, or
  • set it to the same expiry as the access token and take some action (what?) when it expires, or
  • just consume the ID token in your client on receipt, then ignore the expiry time after that?

The OpenID Connect specification just says that when validating an ID token,

"The current time MUST be before the time represented by the exp Claim."

which (possibly) supports the third option above.


As OpenID Connect builds on OAuth2 the answer to the supplementary question below can be found in the OAuth2 specification which says,

     RECOMMENDED.  The lifetime in seconds of the access token.

A related question is when you exchange an authorization code for the tokens, the same specification says you might get a response such as:

 "access_token": "SlAV32hkKG",
 "token_type": "Bearer",
 "refresh_token": "8xLOxBtZp8",
 "expires_in": 3600,
 "id_token": "eyJhbG[...]"

But what does "expires_in" relate to in this case? The access token, the refresh token or the ID token?

(For information, IdentityServer3 sets this to the access token expiry time).

Solution 1:

I'm answering my own question as have discovered that some of the assumptions behind my question were wrong, so easier to clarify here, rather than re-write the question.

An ID token is meant for proving to a Client that the user has authenticated, and who they are as a result.

When a Client receives an ID token, it will generally do something like convert it to a ClaimsIdentity, and persist this, eg using a cookie.

The ID token has to be un-expired at this point of use (which it should be, since it has just been issued). But after this it is not used again, so it does not matter if it expires while the user still has an active session. The Client has the authentication information it needs, and in turn can choose its own policy for how long the session lasts before the user has to log in again.

My wrong assumption when asking the question was that an ID token and access token should be used together, and therefore both needed to have valid expiry dates. This is wrong for various reasons:

  • ID tokens are only for authenticating to a Client (as described above).
  • Access tokens have nothing to do with Clients. They are for access to resources and a Client only handles them if it in turn needs to call an resource.
  • Something like a standalone MVC or WebForms application only needs an ID token. If it isn't calling an external resource, there is nothing to grant access to, so no access token.

Solution 2:

I had to dig into this for my own reasons and wrote it up, so I'll post what I learned here...

First, I'll answer the question at the risk of stating the obvious: The ID token cannot be trusted and its content must be ignored if the current time is greater than the expired time. The questioner's answer states that the after the initial authentication of the user, the ID Token isn't used again. However, since the ID Token is signed by the identity provider, it certainly could be useful at any time to give a way of reliably determining who the user is to other services that an app might be using. Using a simple user ID or email address isn't reliable because it can be easily spoofed (anyone can send an email address or user ID), but since an OIDC ID Token is signed by the Authorization server (which also usually has the benefit of being a third party) it cannot be spoofed and is a much more reliable authentication mechanism.

For example, a mobile app may want to be able to tell a backend service who the user is that is using the app and it may need to do so after the brief period following the initial authentication, at which time the ID Token is expired, and thus, cannot be used to reliably authenticate the user.

Therefore, just like the access token (used for authorization - specifying what permissions the user has) can be refreshed, can you refresh the ID Token (used for authentication - specifying who the user is)? According to the OIDC specification, the answer isn't obvious. In OIDC/OAuth there are three "flows" for getting tokens, The Authorization Code flow, the Implicit flow, and the Hybrid flow (which I'll skip below because it's a variant of the other two).

For the implicit flow in OIDC/OAuth you request the ID Token at the authorization endpoint by redirecting the user in the browser to the Authorization endpoint and including id_token as the value of the response_type request parameter. An Implicit Flow Successful Authentication Response is REQUIRED to include the id_token.

For the Authentication Code flow, the client specifies code as the value of the response_type request parameter when redirecting the user to the authorization endpoint. A successful response includes an authorization code. The client client makes a request to the token endpoint with the authorization code and, according to OIDC Core Section Successful Token Response the response MUST include an ID Token.

So for either flow, that's how you initially get the ID Token, but how do you refresh it? OIDC Section 12: Using Refresh Tokens has the following statement about the Refresh Token Response:

Upon successful validation of the Refresh Token, the response body is the Token Response of Section except that it might not contain an id_token.

It might not contain an ID Token and since there is no way specified to force it to include the ID token, you must assume that the response will not contain the ID Token. So technically there is no specified way to "refresh" an ID Token using a refresh token. Therefore, the only way to get a new ID Token is to re-authorize/authenticate the user by redirecting the user to the authorization endpoint and starting the implicit flow or authentication code flow as described above. The OIDC specification does add a prompt request parameter to the authorization request so the client can request that the authorization server not prompt the user with any UI, but the the redirect still has to happen.

Solution 3:

If I understand correctly, according to this and the OpenID Connect Core 1.0 spec, the ID token itself can be stored in cookies as a mechanism to persist sessions, and sent with every authentication-requiring request to the Client. The Client can then verify the ID token either locally or through the Provider's verifier endpoint (if provided, like Google does). If the token is expired, it should make another auth request, except this time with prompt=none in the URL parameter. Also make sure to send the expired ID token in the id_token_hint parameter, otherwise the Provider may return an error.

So, it does seem natural for the ID Token to expire, but prompt=none ensures the new ID token can be obtained smoothly with no user intervention (unless of course the user is logged out of that OpenID).