How can I assign a value using if-else conditions in R

Solution 1:

You can use ifelse to act on vectors with if statements.

ifelse(a>=10, "double", "single")

So your code could look like this

mydata <- cbind(a, ifelse(a>10, "double", "single"))

(Specified in comments below that if a=10, then "double")

Solution 2:

Strictly speaking, if-else is assignable in r, that is

x1 <- if (TRUE) 1 else 2

is legit. For details see

However, as this vectorizes over neither the test condition nor the value branches, it's not applicable to the particular case described in the question details, which is about adding a column in a conditional manner. In such a situation ifelse or the more typesafe if_else (from dplyr) can be used.