Changing the <input> type in IE with JavaScript

you can do this. However, doing a replace on the outerhtml essentially re-declares the element, so any attribute not explicitly defined in the tag declaration will be forgotten. That is why the text value is saved to a variable first. Unlike jQuery's attr and prop, this works in all versions of IE. I used a real IE10, and I used IETester for 5.5 thru 9.

Here is a fiddle, code below:


<input id="myinput" type="password">
<input value="transform" id="transformButton" type="button">


//attach a click handler to the button to make it transform 
//when clicked, via our transform() function below
document.getElementById('transformButton').addEventListener("click", transform);

//flag of whether or not it is a password field or text field
var isPassword = true;
//this function will toggle the input between being a password or a text input
function transform() {
    //copy the element itself, its html source, and value text to a variable
    var myInput = document.getElementById("myinput");
    var oldHtml = myInput.outerHTML;
    var text = myInput.value;
    if (isPassword)
        //replace "password" with "text" in the html if it is a password field
        var newHtml = oldHtml.replace(/password/g, "text");
        //replace "text" with "password" if it is a text field
        newHtml = oldHtml.replace(/text/g, "password");
    //update the html
    myInput.outerHTML = newHtml;
    //restore the text value
    myInput = document.getElementById("myinput");
    myInput.value = text;
    //toggle the isPassword flag
    isPassword = !isPassword;

You cannot dynamically change a the type of an input element in Internet Explorer.

One possible workaround would be to:

  • Dynamically create a new element.
  • Copy the properties of the old element into the new element.
  • Set the type of the new element to the new type.
  • Then replace the old element with the new element.

You may want to check the following article for a JavaScript implantation of the above:

  • Change Input Element Type using JavaScript

Another option would be to statically create the two elements, but having only one visible at a time. The visibility and the focus would depend on the value of the elements. In this case, you may want to use something like this:

<script type="text/javascript">   
  function checkType() {
     var thisElement = document.getElementById('field_text');
     var otherElement = document.getElementById('field_password');

     if (thisElement.value === 'Password') {            = 'inline'; = 'none';

<input type="text" value="Password" id="field_text" onfocus="checkType();" />
<input type="password" value="" style="display: none;" id="field_password" />