Status of a conjecture about powers of 2

I recently saw a conjecture on a blog ( ) which the author refers to as the 86 conjecture. The conjecture claims that all powers of 2 greater than $2^{86}$ have a zero in their base 10 representation.

At first glance this seems like a numerical curiosity, and I wasn't sure that this was an interesting or deep mathematical question. I wanted to ask the community if they knew of any existing work that deals with either this type of question or something similar.

I tried searching for 86 conjecture on Google and didn't get anything useful.

Richard Guy's Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, Problem F24, mentions only that Dan Hoey has verified this conjecture for $2^n$ up to $n = 2,500,000,000$. Guy tends to be fairly complete in his references. Since he doesn't give any others I doubt there's much more out there.

Several other related questions on decimal representations of powers of integers appear in F24 as well, most of which also appear to be open problems. There are some sequences in the On-line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences mentioned, too; those might be worth chasing down.