How do I convert String to Number according to locale (opposite of .toLocaleString)?

I think you are looking for something like:

Above link will take you to git project page. This is a js library contributed by Microsoft. You should give it one try and try to use formt method of that plugin. If you want to study this plugin, here is the link for the same:

I hope this is what you are looking for and will resolve your problem soon. If it doesn't work, let me know.

Unfortunately you will have to tackle the localisation manually. Inspired by this answer , I created a function that will manually replace the Hindi numbers:

function parseHindi(str) {
    return Number(str.replace(/[०१२३४५६७८९]/g, function (d) {
        return d.charCodeAt(0) - 2406;
    }).replace(/[०१२३४५६७८९]/g, function (d) {
        return d.charCodeAt(0) - 2415;


Fiddle here:

Use the Globalize library.

Install it

npm install globalize cldr-data --save


var cldr = require("cldr-data");
var Globalize = require("globalize");


//replace 'hi' with appropriate language tag

//You may replace the above locale-specific loads with the following line,
// which will load every type of CLDR language data for every available locale
// and may consume several hundred megs of memory!
//Use with caution.

//Set the locale
//We use the extention u-nu-native to indicate that Devanagari and
// not Latin numerals should be used.
// '-u' means extension
// '-nu' means number
// '-native' means use native script
//Without -u-nu-native this example will not work
// for more details on the U language code extension 
var hindiGlobalizer = Globalize('hi-IN-u-nu-native');

var parseHindiNumber = hindiGlobalizer.numberParser();
var formatHindiNumber = hindiGlobalizer.numberFormatter();
var formatRupeeCurrency = hindiGlobalizer.currencyFormatter("INR");

console.log(parseHindiNumber('३,५००')); //3500
console.log(formatHindiNumber(3500));   //३,५००
console.log(formatRupeeCurrency(3500)); //₹३,५००.००

Recently I've been struggling with the same problem of converting stringified number formatted in any locale back to the number.

I've got inspired by the solution implemented in NG Prime InputNumber component. They use Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.format() (which I recommend) to format the value to locale string, and then create set of RegExp expressions based on simple samples so they can cut off particular expressions from formatted string.

This solution can be simplified with using Intl.Numberformat.prototype.formatToParts(). This method returns information about grouping/decimal/currency and all the other separators used to format your value in particular locale, so you can easily clear them out of previously formatted string. It seems to be the easiest solution, that will cover all cases, but you must know in what locale the value has been previously formatted.

Why Ng Prime didn't go this way? I think its because Intl.Numberformat.prototype.formatToParts() does not support IE11, or perhaps there is something else I didn't notice.