How do you administer COM+ from PowerShell?

List COM+ components

$comAdmin = New-Object -com ("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog.1")
$applications = $comAdmin.GetCollection("Applications") 

foreach ($application in $applications)

    $components = $applications.GetCollection("Components",$application.key)
    foreach ($component in $components)

        $dllName = $component.Value("DLL")
        $componentName = $component.Name

        "Component Name:$componentName"
        "DllName: $dllName`n"

Stop/Start Components


Install Com+ application using the InstallApplication method

# Refer to:

Here is a way to register a com+ application using powershell. You need to replace $AppID and $CLSID with the 128 bit unique identifier of your object.

$AppID = "{123456789}"
$CLSID = "{123456789}"
$comAdmin = New-Object -comobject COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog

function InstallApplication ( $comAdmin ) {
    $AppName = "foobar"
    $AppDesc = "foobar com plus object does stuff"

    $apps = $comAdmin.GetCollection("Applications")

    $appFound = $false
    foreach ($app in $apps ) {
        if ($app.Name -eq $AppName ) {
            $appFound = $true
    if (!($appFound )) {
        $app = $apps.Add()
        $app.Value("ID") = $AppID
        $app.Value("Name") = $AppName
        $app.Value("Description") = $AppDesc
        $app.Value("ApplicationAccessChecksEnabled") = $True
        $app.Value("AccessChecksLevel") = 1 #Component level
        $app.Value("Activation") = "Local"
    Else {
        Write-Host "$AppName already exists, skipping" -ForegroundColor green

function InstallComponents( $comAdmin ) {

    $comAdmin.ImportComponent( $AppID, $CLSID )

    # Configure the directory service component
    $apps = $comAdmin.GetCollection("Applications")

    $comps = $apps.GetCollection("Components", $AppID)
    ForEach ($comp in $comps) {
        If ($comp.Key -eq $CLSID) {
            $ComponentFound = $True

    If ($ComponentFound) {
        $comp.Value("Description") = "foobar "
        $comp.Value("ComponentAccessChecksEnabled") = $true
        $comp.Value("ObjectPoolingEnabled") = $true
        $comp.Value("JustInTimeActivation") = $false
        $comp.Value("Synchronization") = 2  #Supported
        $comp.Value("Transaction") = 1      #Not supported
    Else {
        Write-Warning "CLSID $CLSID not found"
function ConfigureSecurity( $comAdmin ) {

    $apps = $comAdmin.GetCollection("Applications")

    # Add Administrator, and User roles to the application.
    $roles = $apps.GetCollection("Roles", $AppID)

    $found = $false
    foreach ( $role in $roles ) {
        if ($role.Key -eq "Administrators") {
            $found = $true
    if (!($found)) {
        $role = $roles.Add()
        $role.Value("Name") = "Administrators"

    $found = $false
    foreach ($role in $roles ) {
        if ($role.Key -eq "Users") {
            $found = $true

    if (!($found)) {
        $role = $roles.Add()
        $role.Value("Name") = "Users"


  # Assign accounts to the roles

    $domain = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain
    if ($domain -like 'WORKGROUP') {
        Write-Warning "Not joined to domain, skipping com+ roles"
    else {
        $users = $roles.GetCollection("UsersInRole", "Users")
        $user = $users.Add()
        $roleDescription = "$domain" + "\" + "Users"
        Write-Host "Adding com+ role $roleDescription" -ForegroundColor green
        $user.Value("User") = $roleDescription

        $users = $roles.GetCollection("UsersInRole", "Administrators")
        $user = $users.Add()
        $roleDescription = "$domain" + "\" + "fooAdmin"
        Write-Host "Adding com+ role $roleDescription" -ForegroundColor green
        $user.Value("User") = $roleDescription
        $user = $users.Add()
        $roleDescription = "$domain" + "\" + "barAdmin"
        Write-Host "Adding com+ role $roleDescription" -ForegroundColor green
        $user.Value("User") = $roleDescription

        # Configure component to allow access to role.
        $comps = $apps.GetCollection("Components", $AppID)

        ForEach ($comp In $comps ) {
          If ($comp.Key -eq $CLSID) {
              $ComponentFound = $True
              #  break
        If ($ComponentFound ) {
            $RolesForComponent = $comps.GetCollection("RolesForComponent", $CLSID)
            $RoleForComponent = $RolesForComponent.Add()
            $RoleForComponent.Value("Name") = "Administrators"
            $RoleForComponent = $RolesForComponent.Add()
            $RoleForComponent.Value("Name") = "Users"
        Else {
            Write-Warning "CLSID $CLSID not found"


InstallApplication $comAdmin
InstallComponents $comAdmin
ConfigureSecurity $comAdmin