Is segmentation fault actual undefined behavior when we refer to a non-static data-member

Undefined behavior means that anything can happen with a standard conforming implementation. Really anything. (and your point 2 is UB)

An implementation could

  • explode your computer and harm you physically
  • make a black-hole which swallows the entire solar system
  • do nothing serious
  • light some LED on your keyboard
  • make some time-travel and kill all your grandparents before the birth of your own parents
  • etc....

and be conforming (in the event of UB); read also about the more familiar idea of nasal demons.

So what happens on UB is not predictable and is not reproducible (in general).

More seriously, think a bit about what UB could mean in the computer connected to the ABS brakes of your car, or in some artificial heart, or driving some nuclear power plant.

In particular, it might work sometimes. Since most OSes have ASLR your code has a tiny chance to work (e.g. if 0xa31a3442 happens to point to some valid location, e.g. on the stack, but you won't reproduce that on the next run!)

UB is a way to give freedom to implementors (e.g. of compilers or of OSes) and to computers to do whatever they "want", in other words to not care about consequences. This enables e.g. clever optimizations or nice implementation tricks. But you should care (and consequences are different if you are coding the embedded flight control system of a airplane, or just some hacky demo lighting LEDs with a RasberryPi, or a simple example for some C++ course running on Linux).

Recall that languages standards don't even require any computer (or any hardware) in the implementation: you might "run" your C++ code with a team of human slaves, but that would be highly unethical (and costly, and unreliable).

See also here for more references. You should at least read Lattner's blog on Undefined Behavior (most of what he wrote for C applies to C++ and many other languages having UB).

(added in december 2015 & june 2016)

NB. The valgrind tool and various -fsanitize= debugging options for recent GCC or Clang/LLVM are quite useful. Also, enable all warnings and debug info in your compiler (e.g. g++ -Wall -Wextra -g), and use appropriate instrumentation options such as -fsanitize=undefined. Be aware that it is impossible to detect statically and exhaustively at compile time all cases of UB (that would be equivalent to the Halting Problem).

PS. The above answer is not specific to C++; it also fits for C!

You asked:

Is it true that in the case //1 is well-formed and doesn't cause any UB?

The parts of the standard you quoted does not mention anything about it.

You also asked:

but //2 produced segmentation fault, which is UB?

The parts of the standard you quoted does not correspond to this particular behavior. You are seeing UB because of where p points. It points to memory that does not hold a valid object.

Rule 3.8/5 is about the time outside of the construction/destruction of an object but inside the allocation/release of the memory in which the object resides. The following demonstrates the points outside of the lifetime of an object:

void *buffer = malloc(sizeof(A));
// outside of lifetime of a
// a->b is undefined
A* a = new (buffer) A();
// within lifetime of a
// a->b is valid
// outside of lifetime of a
// a->b is undefined

Technically, your post doesn't actually reflect rule 3.8/5, because you are not accessing the object outside of its lifetime. You are simply casting random memory as an instance.