Map with custom formatter in thymeleaf view

I got third way working for me. I created a LongCurrencyService which calls the parse and print methods of my Formatter-class.

public class LongCurrencyService {

    public static String LongToStringCurrency(Long value) {
        LongCurrencyFormatter longCurrencyFormatter = new LongCurrencyFormatter();
        return longCurrencyFormatter.print(value, Locale.GERMAN);

    public static Long StringToLongCurrency(String value) throws ParseException {
        LongCurrencyFormatter longCurrencyFormatter = new LongCurrencyFormatter();
        return longCurrencyFormatter.parse(value, Locale.GERMAN);

In my Thymeleaf I use that EL:

 <h1 th:text="${@longCurrencyService.LongToStringCurrency(test)}"></h1>

which prints 33,33 as wanted.

My way is working for me, but I don't if I should accept my own answer. It is not the answer to my question, how to annotate a map with a formatter.