Can neural networks approximate any function given enough hidden neurons?
Solution 1:
The key point to understand is compact:
Neural networks (as any other approximation structure like, polynomials, splines, or Radial Basis Functions) can approximate any continuous function only within a compact set.
In other words the theory states that, given:
- A continuous function f(x),
- A finite range for the input x, [a,b], and
- A desired approximation accuracy ε>0,
then there exists a neural network that approximates f(x) with an approximation error less than ε, everywhere within [a,b].
Regarding your example of f(x) = x2, yes you can approximate it with a neural network within any finite range: [-1,1], [0, 1000], etc. To visualise this, imagine that you approximate f(x) within [-1,1] with a Step Function. Can you do it on paper? Note that if you make the steps narrow enough you can achieve any desired accuracy. The way neural networks approximate f(x) is not much different than this.
But again, there is no neural network (or any other approximation structure) with a finite number of parameters that can approximate f(x) = x2 for all x in [-∞, +∞].
Solution 2:
The question is very legitimate and unfortunately many of the answers show how little practitioners seem to know about the theory of neural networks. The only rigorous theorem that exists about the ability of neural networks to approximate different kinds of functions is the Universal Approximation Theorem.
The UAT states that any continuous function on a compact domain can be approximated by a neural network with only one hidden layer provided the activation functions used are BOUNDED, continuous and monotonically increasing. Now, a finite sum of bounded functions is bounded by definition.
A polynomial is not bounded so the best we can do is provide a neural network approximation of that polynomial over a compact subset of R^n. Outside of this compact subset, the approximation will fail miserably as the polynomial will grow without bound. In other words, the neural network will work well on the training set but will not generalize!
The question is neither off-topic nor does it represent the OP's opinion.
Solution 3:
I am not sure why there is such a visceral reaction, I think it is a legitimate question that is hard to find by googling it, even though I think it is widely appreciated and repeated outloud. I think in this case you are looking for the actually citations showing that a neural net can approximate any function. This recent paper explains it nicely, in my opinion. They also cite the original paper by Barron from 1993 that proved a less general result. The conclusion: a two-layer neural network can represent any bounded degree polynomial, under certain (seemingly non-restrictive) conditions.
Just in case the link does not work, it is called "Learning Polynomials with Neural Networks" by Andoni et al., 2014.