how to install gnome-keyring and gmime

i'm trying to install balsa email reader on my ubuntu for dev purposes (i'm new to linux).. and i run into this issue after issuing the ./autogen --enable-all command:

checking wether we have gnome-keyring... no
checking Gmime version.. configure: error: Gmime 2.6 or 2.4 not detected

i already ran apt-get install libgmime-2.6-0

and i get libgmime-2.6-0 is already the newest version so i'm confused..

update: ok it seems that i have gnome-keyring installed.. but then i'm trying to install gmime from sources.. i did the traditional ./configure and make.. but then i run into this issue:

error: unknown type name 'gpgme_decrypt_result_t' any ideas?

The balsa email client can be installed directly in Ubuntu.

First Enable the Universe repository then enter the folowing

sudo apt-get install balsa

In Precise (12.04) the version is 2.4.11-1 and in Quantal (12.10) it's 2.4.12-1