Swift - Remove " character from string

Solution 1:

Swift uses backslash to escape double quotes. Here is the list of escaped special characters in Swift:

  • \0 (null character)
  • \\ (backslash)
  • \t (horizontal tab)
  • \n (line feed)
  • \r (carriage return)
  • \" (double quote)
  • \' (single quote)

This should work:

text2 = text2.replacingOccurrences(of: "\\", with: "", options: NSString.CompareOptions.literal, range: nil)

Solution 2:

Swift 3 and Swift 4:

text2 = text2.textureName.replacingOccurrences(of: "\"", with: "", options: NSString.CompareOptions.literal, range:nil)

Latest documents updated to Swift 3.0.1 have:

  • Null Character (\0)
  • Backslash (\\)
  • Horizontal Tab (\t)
  • Line Feed (\n)
  • Carriage Return (\r)
  • Double Quote (\")
  • Single Quote (\')
  • Unicode scalar (\u{n}), where n is between one and eight hexadecimal digits

If you need more details you can take a look to the official docs here