How can I adjust the mouse scroll speed?

This question has been asked many times with no answer. I've used my basic Google skills and haven't come across a fix. This is system wide. My mouse simply scrolls too fast.

I'm new to ubuntu and linux in general. Would switching styles or whatever it is called (Ubuntu, KDE, Xubuntu) help at all? Is there a terminal code I can enter?

Solution 1:

I removed the USB dongle that comes with my wireless mouse and plugged it back and fixed my scrolling speed instantly.

Solution 2:

To change the mouse parameters:

  • list the peripherals, note the good number with the device name of the mouse!

    xinput list
  • list parameters from peripheral number 9

    xinput list-props 9
  • set the acceleration of peripheral 9 to value 3. The higher the value is, the more you divide the acceleration. Acceleration is maximum for a value equal to 1. The "basis" value seems to be 1.7, for me...

    xinput set-prop 9 'Device Accel Constant Deceleration' 3

To permanently set the change :
A hidden file in your directory is ".profile" (Ctrl+H to see hidden files) Double click on it and open it. Copy paste the previous command at the end. That's it!

P.S. to apply the same command for all users you can edit the file /etc/profile (not an hidden file).

Have fun.

Solution 3:

First check which device is the mouse:

xinput list

Now pick the ID of your mouse there, and list its current settings:

xinput list-props <device-id>

then change the settings like so where Evdev scrolling distance [vertical] [horizontal] [dial]

xinput set-prop <device-id> 'Evdev Scrolling Distance' 1 3 5

where the combination of the last three numbers is mouse-dependent:

  • first number, the direction of scrolling (minus reverse)
  • second number, speed of scrolling somehow
  • third number, speed of scrolling somehow
  • Changing these values to bigger numbers means you scroll slower (AgentME).