RBENV managed Rubies: VIM upgrade forcing homebrew to install Ruby

Solution 1:

Ruby is a dependency for building vim with Homebrew according to the package details:

> brew info vim
vim: stable 8.0.0019 (bottled), HEAD
Vi "workalike" with many additional features
Conflicts with: ex-vi
Not installed
From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/master/Formula/vim.rb
==> Dependencies
Optional: lua ✘, luajit ✘
==> Requirements
Required: ruby >= 1.8 ✔, perl >= 5.3 ✔
Recommended: python ✔
Optional: python3 ✔
==> Options
    Enable client/server mode
    Build with a custom Perl instead of the Homebrew version.
    Build with a custom Python 2 instead of the Homebrew version.
    Build with a custom Ruby instead of the Homebrew version.
    Build vim with lua support
    Build with luajit support
    Build vim with mzscheme support
    Override system vi
    Build vim with python3 instead of python[2] support
    Build vim with tcl support
    Build vim without National Language Support (translated messages, keymaps)
    Build vim without perl support
    Build vim without python support
    Build vim without ruby support
    Install HEAD version

But as you can see, it only requires ruby 1.8. It's installing a ruby because rbenv likely isn't returning an installed ruby when the ruby shim is called by the build package.

Given vim will dynamically link to your Ruby installation, I highly recommend you just switch to system ruby before you brew install or upgrade vim. Something like:

brew uninstall vim ruby
brew cleanup
rbenv global system
brew install --build-from-source vim --with-custom-ruby

The installer will happily use system ruby on the Mac, which has a high enough version, during installation and the resulting binaries created won't segfault if you happen to remove the specific ruby version they were built against, which is a real problem if you use a rbenv-controlled ruby at build time.

Alternatively you can build without ruby support:

brew install vim --without-ruby

But that's probably not what you want.