How to use split?

Documentation can be found e.g. at MDN. Note that .split() is not a jQuery method, but a native string method.

If you use .split() on a string, then you get an array back with the substrings:

var str = 'something -- something_else';
var substr = str.split(' -- ');
// substr[0] contains "something"
// substr[1] contains "something_else"

If this value is in some field you could also do:

tRow.append($('<td>').text($('[id$=txtEntry2]').val().split(' -- ')[0])));

If it is the basic JavaScript split function, look at documentation, JavaScript split() Method.

Basically, you just do this:

var array = myString.split(' -- ')

Then your two values are stored in the array - you can get the values like this:

var firstValue = array[0];
var secondValue = array[1];

Look in JavaScript split() Method

  • Mozilla Developer Network
  • W3Schools


"something -- something_else".split(" -- ")