what are good blogs to read relating java, spring, hibernate, maven? [closed]

To continue to question further I'm more interested in blogs, websites who once in a while release a tutorial, tip or best-practice on the topics I mentioned. For ex : http://net.tutsplus.com/ is very good website to follow if you wanna learn about or upgrade your knowledge about CSS, HTML, Javascript, PHP .. Is there a website like this for Java and related technologies?

I'll list some of the ones I'm reading, via RSS:

Blog aggregators:

  • http://java.dzone.com
  • http://javacodegeeks.com
  • http://www.programcreek.com/2012/11/top-100-java-developers-blogs/


  • http://relation.to/Bloggers/Gavin - Gavin King - the guy behind Hibernate, Seam, Weld, Ceylon
  • http://vladmihalcea.com/ - Vlad Mihalcea's blog (Hibernate Developer Advocate)
  • http://blog.springsource.com/ - Spring source team blog
  • http://developers-blog.org/
  • http://misko.hevery.com/ - Misko Hevery, on testability and tdd
  • http://krams915.blogspot.in/
  • http://programcreek.com/
  • http://mkyong.com
  • http://blog.jooq.org - On Java, SQL, and jOOQ (and occasionally Hibernate)
  • my blog


  • A couple of JavaLobby forum sections - you can follow whichever section of the forum you like
  • http://www.theserverside.com/ - The Server Side
  • http://www.devx.com/Java/Door/6972 - DevX Java zone
  • http://www.javaworld.com/ - JavaWorld
  • http://www.infoq.com/java/ - InfoQ
  • http://www.java.net/articles - java.net articles
  • http://onjava.com/
  • http://www.javased.com - Search Engine for Java Code Examples
  • http://modernpathshala.com - Java
  • http://www.baeldung.com/ -Spring or Java

The basics:


  • Sonatype Blog: http://www.sonatype.com/people/
  • Brett Porter's blog: http://brettporter.wordpress.com/


  • In relation to...: http://blog.hibernate.org/


  • SpringSource Team Blog: http://blog.springsource.com/

You can read Spring Articles and Hibernate Articles



Rose India

Ben McCann's blog

Vlad Mihalcea's blog (Hibernate Developer Advocate)

Although it's not a blog, but Java Posse Podcast and its shownotes cover most trends in Java world. For a collection of Java tutorials and its related framework, Good Tutorials is a site you want to spend your time with.